Dinner at My House is like Alphabet Soup

  • June 3, 2024

Creating advertising that appeals to Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z is like trying to host a dinner party for my huge family where everyone from the grandkids to the matriarch have very specific likes, dislikes and dietary restrictions. It’s enough to make my head spin off its precariously seated axel. You’ve got my Boomers, who prefer their meat and potatoes, Gen Xer’s who are on a low-carb kick, a handful of Millennials asking if it’s gluten-free, Gen Zer’s wondering if it’s vegan and ethically sourced, and a smattering of Alpha’s running around who only care about “when” we’re eating. It’s an art form, really, and every time I pull it off, I feel like I deserve an award.

My professional life isn’t a whole lot different. Luckily for me, my diverse family have provided me with years of insights into their generational preferences in such a way as to hone my audio advertising skills. Having said that, let’s take a look at what makes each of these generations tick in the sense of advertising engagement and loyalty

As a Boomer myself, I know we grew up during the golden age of radio, and we have a nostalgic soft spot for it. To capture our attention, think jingles. No, not those over-the-top car dealership jingles that make you want to drive off a cliff, but catchy, memorable tunes that remind us of simpler times…. times when our joints didn’t hurt. Picture a smooth-voiced announcer extolling the virtues of this product or that event, backed by a chorus of harmonious voices. We Boomers love a good story, too, so weave in some heartfelt testimonials. Throw in a reference to our glory days, maybe even mention how your product is “just like we remember,” and you’ve got our attention.

Now, let’s move on to Gen X. These are the guys who’ve seen it all and have the skepticism to prove it. Raised on a steady diet of MTV and cynical humor, they appreciate straightforwardness and a bit of an edge. Your best bet? Sarcasm and dry wit, which is right up my alley. Make em chuckle with a clever, slightly irreverent, but not too irreverent script. Think of a narrator who’s seen it all, heard it all, and is a little jaded but in a totally cool way. Gen Xer’s also love a good throwback, so pepper in some references to 80s and 90s pop culture. They’ll appreciate the nostalgia but don’t overdo it – they don’t want to be reminded they’re not teenagers anymore…they’re just a little sensitive at this age.

Next up, my Millennials, the avocado-toast-loving, participation-trophy-receiving children. They’re all about authenticity and social consciousness. Audio ad’s need to sound like they’re coming from a friend, not a corporation. I lean into a conversational tone, maybe even a podcast-style format. Sprinkle in some humor and self-deprecation; they “love” brands that don’t take themselves too seriously. At least not as serious as they take themselves when it comes to words like eco-friendly, sustainable, or charitability as these are their mantra words. Millennials are big on values, so if you can align with their worldview, you’re golden. Also, don’t forget to mention how your product will help them achieve work-life balance or enhance their self-care routine – they’re suckers for that.

Finally, Gen Z, the digital natives who can barely remember a time before smartphones. These particular grandkids of mine have the attention span of a goldfish and a finely tuned BS detector. To grab their attention, you need to be fast, flashy, and real. Think quick cuts, catchy beats, and relatable language. They love internet-y so you have chance to be fun and real creative in engaging them. I try to create ad’s that feel like a TikTok video without the visuals– fast-paced, engaging, and slightly chaotic. The goal is to highlight how a product is unique and stands out from the crowd; they’re all about individuality and they’ll respond when they feel as if a product, or just a take on a product is unique. And, for the love of all things holy, be authentic. Gen Z can smell fake from a mile away, and they won’t hesitate to call you out on it. Ask me I know!

Despite their differences in tastes, preferences, and attitudes, there's one thing that Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z all have in common: they all crave genuine human connection. At the core, everyone wants to feel understood, valued, and connected to others, and that’s my secret key to audio advertising.

For Boomers, this means tapping into nostalgia and shared experiences. For Gen X it’s touching their straightforward, no-nonsense approach, something that making them feel seen and understood. Millennials, with their focus on authenticity and values, seek language that resonates with their own beliefs and helps them connect to a larger purpose. Gen Z, the digital natives, want content that feels real and relatable, helping them form connections in an often-impersonal online world.

So, in audio advertising this common thread of human connection needs to be carefully woven through storytelling, relatable characters, and genuine emotion. Whether it's a heartfelt jingle, a witty remark, a sincere message, or a fun, relatable jab, tapping into this universal desire for connection can bridge the generational divide and resonate with everyone. After all, at the end of the day, we all just want to feel like we're part of something bigger than ourselves, don’t we?

So, there you have it. After years of crafting audio ads for Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Zer’s I find it’s sort of like making alphabet soup—when each letter hits the right note, you end up with a delicious, harmonious blend that everyone can enjoy, creating a perfect bowl of satisfaction that leaves everyone coming back for seconds.... or you’ll end up with a bowl of hot, confusing gibberish that nobody wants to taste!



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